Archive | May 2012

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Taming this wild animal

There is nothing more rewarding than when a client calls back for more. Not only does it show that he appreciated our services, but also that he absolutely understands the necessity to continuously update documentation. This particular client called me for the first time about three years ago to be part of the first phase […]

Surrounded by beauty

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or perhaps just a fashionable trend, but a focus on form and not just pure function seems to be more and more prevalent in our society. Perhaps people have come to the realisation that creating something with beauty provides a sense of accomplishment that is somehow more rewarding. Then again, from […]

Around the campfire

Reference Did our ancestors have it right? In ancient times, we all used to sit together around a campfire, and listen to our elders, triggering our imaginations to quite a magical effect. We would learn fundamental skills such as ways to be brave, to hunt, and to gather life saving herbs. Not only were we picking […]

The path to greatness is along with others.

This is not from me but from Baltasar Gracian. The monkey and the tiger When I created my company about two years ago, I was really lucky: I almost immediately had a client…. and I couldn’t stop working for about a year and a half. Projects were flowing in and I met a couple of other potential […]