
How to simply improve your repeat business rate?

Software vendors usually provide solution to companies that are seeking the most appropriate systems for their staff and assets. One of the challenges, you as vendors, are facing is to find efficient technologies for your clients’ requirements. However, if your efforts are mainly focused on building a technical solution, without also providing simple and easy […]

News from my current project

I’ve told you lately, how thrilled I am with this new project: setting up a training support guide & providing it with this new amazing tool, iBooks author. Have a look at the demo. This is a new application so I had to adapt,  learn how to use it, and work out how to make […]

No more books on the shelves?

Since 2009, a new trend has emerged: textbooks. Here is a very innovative way to present user guides and it is, actually, a growing mainstream format of displaying documentations. And sure enough, last week a potential client requested I do a proposition which included this tool. I’m quite new to this, but I found it very […]