iBooks author

Transfer of knowledge: internet versus intranet

Last week I was in a business networking event presenting to a keen listener what Simple + Smart does. The listener asked a fairly typical question: ’Why do I need my company to have a Transfer of Knowledge plan, since everyone in my organisation just looks for any required information on the web?’ Of course, […]

Surrounded by beauty

Maybe it is a cultural thing, or perhaps just a fashionable trend, but a focus on form and not just pure function seems to be more and more prevalent in our society. Perhaps people have come to the realisation that creating something with beauty provides a sense of accomplishment that is somehow more rewarding. Then again, from […]

To have or have not.

OK this is one of my favorite movies: Humphrey Bogart & Lauren Bacall….do you know how to whistle? This week I  met  a potential client for a very large project on user guides/ support training. Proud of myself, and knowing that I had successfully completed the iBooks author project with a software company… I  passionately […]

iPad for Business Survey 2012

Originally posted on My SharePoint and Mobility Blog:
IDG Connect released a white paper in January called “iPad for Business Survey 2012“. From their site, the overview reads: “The iPad may be associated with home use, personal communication and entertainment, but this 2012 research also proves it is a critical business device. The global survey, based…

Impact of new generation culture on training

I just came back from an event talk, given by Cegos  given by Jeremy Blain. What really interested me was the subject: the latest learning trends and the implications for training and development across Asia. Nothing really new there: maybe just noticing that the new generation is now starting work. You know, the kids that […]